BCLF Ventures, Inc. d/b/a Boston Community Venture Fund - Venture Capital Fund Information:

Flag of MassachusettsState: Massachusetts
City: Boston
Copmany name: BCLF Ventures, Inc. d/b/a Boston Community Venture Fund
Company type: Venture Capital Fund
Native CDFI: No
Full adress: 56 Warren Street Palladio Hall
Zip code: 2119
Website: http://www.bcvfund.com
Authorized Representative first and last name: Emilio Gautieri
Phone number: (617) 427-3714
E-mail: emgautieri@bostoncommunitycapital.org

Contact first and last name: Gail Berlinger
Phone number: (617) 933-5855
E-mail: gberlinger@bostoncommunitycapital.org

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